If you’re from Alabama or have spent any of the summer months here, you know the heat and humidity can be oppressive. During the day, the heat index can soar past 100 degrees, which can be dangerous for anyone spending time outdoors. Seniors are especially prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke during the summer, even on overcast days. Many caregivers ensure the safety of older loved ones by keeping them indoors during the hottest parts of the day, typically 10 am to 6 pm. Keeping seniors active indoors is important to their overall well-being. While they may prefer to stay on the couch and watch sitcoms (which is okay in small doses), it’s greatly beneficial to them physically, mentally, and emotionally to keep active.

Here are three ways to keep your senior loved one physically and mentally active and engaged indoors.

Keep them moving physically

No matter their current fitness level, any amount of movement is good for seniors. There are countless DVDs and YouTube workout videos for yoga, calisthenics, stretching, dancing, Zumba, and more. For mobility-challenged seniors, chair yoga and working with light weights while sitting are options that will help them stay fit.

Don’t be afraid to start exercising just a few minutes a day and increase the minutes gradually. It’s also advisable to consult their physician before beginning a strenuous exercise program.

Keep them active mentally

While staying active physically is vital to senior health, so is keeping busy mentally. Jigsaw puzzles, card games, board games, crossword puzzles, reading, drawing, painting, writing cards and letters, listening to music and podcasts, and learning about technology (smartphones, tablets, laptops) are all great ways to stay engaged mentally.

Many seniors also like to try new activities. They’re never too old to learn the basics of a new language or play a new instrument. Taking a class in a subject they are interested in learning more about or cooking up some fresh meals or treats are also good brain-boosters.

Keep them connected

Seniors who spend most of their time indoors can also become isolated and lonely. This can lead to them becoming less active physically and under-challenged mentally.

Many aging adults stay connected to family and friends online. They share their lives on Facebook and Instagram, and some even have fun with TikTok. In addition, there are online groups they can join, like book clubs, crocheting and knitting groups, and other clubs where they can chat online with people who have similar interests.

The Internet also helps seniors stay connected through apps like Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime. They can remain in close contact with their kids, grandkids, and friends through video communications, no matter how many miles may separate them.

Companionship Care by Seniors Prefer Homecare

If your senior loved one living in the Huntsville or Tuscaloosa areas, contact us about our companionship care services. Our caregivers love to spend time keeping seniors active physically and mentally, and all of our care is delivered compassionately and professionally.

Contact us today. We’d love to get to know your family and help your loved one age gracefully in the place they most want to be – at home.